Monday, April 4, 2016

Inti Raymi and Machu Picchu 5 days

Festival Inti Raymi and Machu Picchu

5 days / 4 nights

Inti Raymi and Machu Picchu

Included: Machupicchu Sunrise and the Sun Festival "Inti Raymi".

Departures: Guests arriving in Cusco on 21st – 22nd – 23rd or June 24th (The schedule of the tour can varies according to the date of arrival of guests. We visit all the attractions showed below).
Exceptional program of Cusco and its Festivals.

With this program you will have the opportunity to discover the famous annual Festival of the Sun "Inti Raymi" held on June 24th. We also give you an overnight in Machupicchu village to appreciate the sunrise over Machu Picchu Inca City.

Cusco holds many different festivals full of artistic expressions. It is important for the Cusqueñan to nourish themselves from their profound origin, projecting an alliance with nature and the mother earth or Pachamama through their festivities full of rhythms and colors. A way for them to reinforce their commitment to life, extending it with their hospitality to the visitors.

Cusco bieng the capital of TahuanTinsuyo, the Inka´s Country, the center of the Empire of the four regions and the "navel of the Inka world." One of the most outstanding Empire in the history of humanity. The Incas, within less than one hundred years, expended their territory from its northern borders of Quito, in Ecuador, to the far south of Santiago, Chile and as far as Argentina. Cusco is one of the most incredible city in America.

View complete details of tour in Festival of Inti Raymi and Machu Picchu in 5 days

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