Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu + Lodges in 3 camp sites

Enjoy our Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu in our Lodges in the 3 camp sites (Soraypampa, Collpapampa and Lucmabamba).

More info:
✉ info@salkantaytrek.org
📱 +51 970 506 205
🌎 317 San Agustin street, Cusco - Perú

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu + Sky Lodges

Overnight at Soraypampa Sky Lodge at 3,869 m/12,690 ft.

After Lunch time, our excursion takes us to Humantay Lake, fed by glaciers far above on the slopes of the impressive Mt. Humantay. Our 1-hour walk there is followed by another short 20-minute, which is necessary in order to reach the lake, but the view is well worth it and those brave enough can go for a swim!, performed by our local Tour Guide, in full view of the awe-inspiring Mt. Salkantay, tops off this unique  experience. Return to the our Sky Lodge

More info:

✉ info@salkantaytrek.org

📱 +51 984 565546

🌎 317 San Agustin street, Cusco - Perú

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Hiking the Inca Trail has become more and more popular each year. This hike is extremely regulated by the Peruvian government who limits the amount of people who can enter the trail each day by a permit process. These permits have sold out QUICKER than ever. All of April, May and June were sold out by New Years.

But right now there is a unique opportunity to still hike to this World Wonder if you are hoping to come in April. The government has released permits from companies who did not pay for their reservations (just another reason to make sure you sign up with a responsible tour operator like Inka Trail Expeditions Perú).

The below calendar shows availability of permits left at this very moment. You only need a permit to START the trek. If you are interested and see a date that works, contact us immediately.

And if you are hoping to hike in May or June, we may have some good news in the next few days.

Inca Trail Permits on April 2019

Monday, January 14, 2019

Royal Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in 4 days

The Royal Inca Trail to Machu Picchu “The Famous Inca Trail” still existed and was re-discovered by Hiram Bingham when he realized his clearing work between 1913 and 1915. The Inca trail was a route of pilgrimage to Machu Picchu used by the Inca (or Emperor / King) in the 15th century. There are different sites between Ollantaytambo Inca City and Machu Picchu Inca City where one can note the variety in architectural resources that give rationality, importance and mysticism to the Royal Road. It did not have a commercial use; there were other, more simple, trails to transport products, llamas and people to Machu Picchu. The purpose of the Inca Trail To Machupícchu was religious and ceremonial, a pilgrimage that included rituals to honour the mountains and peaks of the route, like Veronica Mts or Wakaywilka Mts.


DAY 1 | Transfer by ITEP Van from Cusco, Maras Salt Mines and then trek to the Sacred Valley of the Inkas, later transfer to Km 82 Piscacucho

DAY 1 | Transfer by ITEP Van from Cusco, Maras Salt Mines and then trek to the Sacred Valley of the Inkas, later transfer to Km 82 Piscacucho
Piscacucho - Km 82
  • Meals: Lunch, snacks, afternoon tea and dinner.
  • Accommodation: Camping facilities.
  • Distance: 11kms/6.8 mls (6 hours more or less of hiking)
  • Difficulty: Easy/Moderate.
  • Walking  Time:    Approximately 6 hours (including picnic lunch en route)
  • Walk and Terrain: Walk, , canter, on open roads, some steep ascending trails

Today begins your adventure of a lifetime, the Classic Inca Trail and the Gem of Maras Salt Mines.  We will pick you up from your hotel in our private van very early in the morning at 5:30am.  Transfer to Maras and a Wonderfull trek to the Sacred Valley along the Salt mines of Maras, a precious gem: The Maras Salt mines.A myriad of salt crusted terraces precariously nestles against the steep mountain sides, while a steady stream of mineral rich water trickles down with a silent gargling that somehow defies time. The ponds, you ought to know, have been in use since the times of the Incas and before. An hour trek to the Sacred Valley of the Inkas, where our van going to wait for a transfer to Piskacucho, which is called kilometer 82, where the Classic Inca Trail begins.  On the way, we stop for breakfast in Ollantaytambo at 6:30-7am to load up on energy for our start of the trail.  (Breakfast is not included).Upon arrival at kilometer 82 at 11:30am, we will have some time to organize ourselves,. At the Inca Trail first control point be ready to show your entrance tickets, passports and (if paying a student rate) your student card.

At the start of the trail (2720m/8923ft) we cross the Vilcanota River and follow its route to the right. The first day is relatively easy, a warm-up along the Inca flat terrain.  There are great views of the Incan Fortress (‘Huillca Raccay’), the vast and incredible Inca site of Llactapata, (officially called ‘Patallacta’), and the beautiful snow-capped peak of ‘W’akay Willca’ (5860m/19225ft) known in books as Veronica. Our first campsite Wayllabamba (3000m/9842ft) in the temperate green valley of the same name. Temperatures at night are around 5ºC depending on the month.
During the day, we will enjoy spectacular views of the snow-capped mountains Veronica, (5,860m/19,337ft), the lush green valley around us and a myriad of flora and fauna.

Map - DAY 1 | Transfer by ITEP Van from Cusco, Maras Salt Mines and then trek to the Sacred Valley of the Inkas, later transfer to Km 82 Piscacucho
Map of Inca Trail - First Day

DAY 2 | Trekking “Wayllabamba to Pacaymayuc/ Runkuraqay”

DAY 2 | Trekking  “Wayllabamba to Pacaymayuc/ Runkuraqay”
Inca Trail
  • Meals: Breakfast, water, lunch, snacks, afternoon tea and Dinner.
  • Accommodation: Camping facilities.
  • Distance: 16kms/10mls (9 hours more or less of hiking time)
  • Difficulty: Moderate/challenge

After waking up at 5 to 5:30am and enjoying a hot breakfast, we start a steep ascent towards the highest pass, Abra de Warrmihuañusca or ‘Dead Woman’s Pass’ at 4200m/13779ft.  On this day, you will feel a real sense of achievement upon reaching the top! After a well-deserved rest, we begin the descent to where we stop for lunch, which is located at Pacaymayu (3550m/11646ft).
On our way up to the pass, we will be able to see an array of hummingbirds and a combination of other species of bird life. There will be plenty of time to appreciate the incredible variety of native plants and the ´Polylepis´ or Q’ueuña trees which grow in the astonishing cloud forest located at 3650m/11972ft! After lunch, begins the second two-hour steep climb to Runkuraqay pass (almost 4000m/13,123ft). We arrive at our campsite by 5 pm. Temperatures at this campsite are around 4ºC during the night.
Map - DAY 2 | Trekking  “Wayllabamba to Pacaymayuc/ Runkuraqay”
Map of Inca Trail - Second day

DAY 3 | Trekking “Pacaymayuc to Wiñayhuayna”

DAY 3 | Trekking “Pacaymayuc to Wiñayhuayna”
  • Meals: Breakfast, water, lunch, snacks, afternoon tea and dinner.
  • Accommodation: Camping facilities and hot showers.
  • Distance: 10kms/6.2mls (5 hours more or less of hiking)
  • Difficulty: Moderate

This is the most impressive day so far; keep this in mind as you ascend on day three! We wake up for breakfast at 6am and start the day with a gentle climb to visit the archaeological site of ‘Phuyupatamarca’ (meaning ‘Town in the Clouds’).  Here we reach the third highest point on the Inca trail (3680m/). The views of the mountains, canyons and surrounding areas are spectacular!. The Inca site of ‘Phuyupatamarca’, is located a few minutes’ walk from the third pass.  After visiting this site, we continue walking down 3000 stairs through the cloud forest to the impressive agricultural Incan site of ‘Intipata. After taking some time to visit this site, we continue until we arrive at our third campsite Wiñay Wayna. (2680m/8792ft). Today, we will only walk about 4 to 5 hours.  We arrive at camp by lunchtime!  Temperatures during the night are about 12º C. A short walk from our campsite is the famous Incan site of ‘Wiñay Wayna’ (‘Forever Young’). Even if you are feeling tired after your day’s trek, it´s a moment you cannot miss, the most impressive site on the Inca trail.
Map - DAY 3 | Trekking “Pacaymayuc to Wiñayhuayna”
Map of Inca Trail - Third day

DAY 4 | Trekking “Wiñayhuayna – IntiPunku & Machupicchu guided Tour”

DAY 4 | Trekking “Wiñayhuayna – IntiPunku & Machupicchu guided Tour”
Machu Picchu
  • Meals: Breakfast
  • Distance: 6kms / 3.7mls
  • Difficulty: Easy

At around 4:00am it´s time to wake up, have breakfast and start day 4 on the Inca trail to get to Machu Picchu on time. This is the final part of your journey, arriving by 6:00am to reach Inti Punku or The Sun Gate. At that point, the majestic Machu Picchu Citadel is in front of us with its intense beauty – an incredible sight for all to see. The reality of what the Inca people must have encountered on their taxing journey to this expansive temple of Machu Picchu. At this point, we walk downhill towards the Machu Picchu Citadel. (2400m/7872 ft.) After walking 40 minutes, we enter the citadel from the top through the “House of the Guardians”. From there we proceed to the control point where we register and leave our belongings. Your professional guide will direct you throughout the astounding ruins and its main streets. You can wander around the town squares as well as climb the intricately carved stairways made from stone. Machu Picchu is considered as the world’s spiritual center by esoteric wisdom. Once the guided tour is over, you will have free time to explore the site on your own.

You will also have time to indulge in a few of the following activities on your own if you choose (not included in the price)
•    Climb up Huayna Picchu or Machu Picchu Mountain and appreciate the beauty and magnificence of Machu Picchu from there.
•    Other optional activities in Aguas Calientes include a visit to the new local museum or bathe in the hot springs.

Back to Cusco: You will descend to Aguas Calientes by bus (included) and later board the Expedition train by 4:22pm to the Ollantaytambo Train Station where you will meet our private van and be transferred to your hotel in Cusco arriving around 8:30pm.
End of our Services

Map - DAY 4 | Trekking “Wiñayhuayna – IntiPunku & Machupicchu guided Tour”
Map of Inca Trail - Fourth day


  • Personalized assistance: A private,  hand-crafted and fully personalized assistance and  itinerary  from start to finish.For an authentic experience, our assistance is personalized, 24 hours a day
  • Sustainable tourism encompasses responsible practices for recreation: Conservation of biological and cultural diversity,Sustainable use of ecological resources (should have a minimal impact),Support for local economies through increased local revenue, jobs for local populations, and use of local supplies and services thus helping communities to rise their standards of life.Community empowerment by sharing participation in management local ecotourism activities.Increased environmental and cultural awareness which further encourages the local population to preserve its environment.Minimal environmental tourist industry impact on local resources.
  • Transfer from the airport to your hotel (Cusco only): Please send us your flight information.
  • Briefing of your Tour: At our office or your Hotel; It will be done the same day of your arrival or day according your request
  • Group Size "Private Service": A Private Custom Hiking Tour is your opportunity to hike in perfect company! You pick the place, you tell us what you want, and we put a trip together just for your group. Whether it's a group of friends, associates, or your family, the trip is only open to your group. Choose from our great hiking destinations and get started today!
  • Maras "The Inka Salt Mines": Discover Salt Pans of Maras in Maras, Peru: This Peruvian canyon is filled with geometric salt pools that have been being harvested since the Incan empire.
  • Classic Inca Trail visit: Only 500 spaces per day according regulations of Ministry of Culture of Peru
  • Sun Gate visit: The Sun Gate also called Intipunku in Quechua was once a guardhouse that marked one of the most important entrances to Machu Picchu.
  • Machupicchu sunrise "1st on the Santuary": “Sunrise over Machu Picchu” is such an evocative phrase that it's no surprise that so many travelers are seduced by its promise.
  • Pick up at your hotel: To begin your Experience from Cusco to Piscacucho (starting the trek)
  • Private transport: All ourTransports has Tourism Authorization , and we offer only private transfers
  • Train Experience: The train cars are steeped in the designs of Incan culture, making them the perfect way to start your trip in the unbelievable Andean scenery and take incredible panoramic pictures of a journey unlike any other.
  • Processing of tourism attraction authorizations: As soon as we receive your details and a deposit, we will purchase your permits (pending availability, check our Inca Trail Availability link). These permits are for a specific date and in your name. They can’t be changed, once confirmed. Only your passport number is allowed to be updated. The permit includes an entrance to Machu Picchu.
  • All entrance fees: Admission Tickets to the Classic Inca trail & Machu Picchu Archaeological Complex
  • Modern trekking and camping equipment
  • Thick Comfortable Foam Mattresses
  • Duffle bags: You will receive your duffel bag that will stay with your porters, while you hike. This bag should not exceed 7kg/14 lbs and does need to include your sleeping bag and air mattress.
  • Warm water: water for washing purposes
  • Regular Table Ware: stainless steel, dinnerware
  • Premium Table Ware: Premium porcelain dinnerware sets, crystal glassware, flatware & stylish Porcelain crockery.
  • Porter to carry tents, food and cooking equipment: Our Porters (The Inka army) - are the best treated and are currently the best paid of all the porters on the Inca Trail. We provide them with good equipment, uniforms, insurance , good pay and vacations but that's the least that should be done for them (but not always the case with other agencies) and it's the extras we provide that really make the difference.
  • Private porter to carry personal stuff (5 kl): We include a personal porter, who is responsible for carrying your duffel bag. There is no additional fee for this. It means you will need only a day backpack to carry what you will need during day!
  • Regular Classic tent: 4 season Aconcagua Doite Tents, (Large & Comfortable) please see
  • Chef and cooking equipment: Our chefs cook delicious meals that many previous trekkers have raved about. We honor all food restrictions. Be sure to remind your tour guide of any food restrictions at the beginning of your trek. Food is typically served family-style.
  • Dining and Cooking Tents: Dining and cooking tents with tables and chairs only for our group
  • All meals cooked on the spot with fresh ingredients by our trained chef: Meals as indicated in the itinerary (optional vegetarian diets or other dietary needs upon prior request)
  • 3 Breakfast, 3 Lunch,3 Snack, 3 Dinners You will enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner each day of the trek, along with a happy hour of tea and snacks. You will also be provided a snack each morning, for you to enjoy along the hike. Your last meal with your chef will be after breakfast on day four. Lunch the last day is not included.
  • Drinkable Water: Beginning from your first lunch until your last breakfast, We will supply all the water needed. This water will be boiled, filtered and then cooled, before distributing. You must supply your own water bottles or camel back. We recommend carrying about 3L worth. We will refill our waters at each meal.
  • Professional English speaking guides experienced in the mountains & knowledgeable of Inca History: Professional Guides All of our guides studied English and tourism at Cusco National University. They all grew up in this region and have a true passion to teach others about their heritage. They are fun yet professional and will ensure you are safe and happy.
  • Machupicchu Tour Guide: 2 Hour Guided tour in Machu Picchu Included
  • First-aid kit including emergency oxygen tank: Our Inca Trail guides has received training in first aid from a physician. We conduct mandatory training sessions every February, which every single tour guide must attend. Your tour guide will always have a first-aid kit for basic medical problems (traveler’s diarrhea, cuts, scrapes, etc.) and oxygen. We will get you off the trail as quickly and comfortably as possible, if needed, and ensure you get directly to a clinic for treatment.
  • Satellite Phones: Our top priority will always be the safety of our clients and our team. While we are prepared and all our guides are trained for most of the issues clients have on the mountain, being a phone call away from any doctor, hospital or friend helps everyone feel assured that they are safe. Radios, which all our guides have, are limited in how far they can reach, so our Operation department has added Satellite Phones to every trek. Every guide will have a fully charged phone that can be used anywhere on the mountain to connect us with our Office.
  • Bus ticket from Machu Picchu ruins to Aguas Calientes (one way): After a 4days Trek and an amazing Machupicchu experience; we just want to relax and enjoy our friends; So We don´t trek more.
  • Transfer Back to your Hotel: Overland private transfer from Train station to your Hotel " for clients only"
  • Give back to Andean communities ."You give an automatic donation of usd 10 for the Inka Foundation": Seize the opportunity to travel and give back to communities or environments in need. With Us, you’ll become part of our ongoing efforts to support long-term solutions to specific challenges. At the same time, you can explore and experience the culture in your free time. We're looking for volunteers (Spanish speakers) who can help teachers in a child school for children mentally disabled and other disabilities "Only from Monday to Friday" from 9am until 12:30pm "only by days. www.inka-foundation.org , if you want more information please send us an e-mail.


  • Hot Shower: Shower Tent With warm water – Only For Our Group
  • Toilet: Private Toilet Tent With a Seat on the Toilet – Only For Our Group
  • Biodegradable Toiled bags: Disposable Waste Bags for Portable Toilets
  • Towels: Clean Towels changed every day
  • Air bed and Camping cot
  • Sleeping bags: Coleman Sleeping bags -15 c° – US$20 per person
  • Heaters at the bedroom tents
  • Standard walking sticks
  • Glambing Tent "Luxury": Offering a full 360° view of your surroundings the distinctively styled and eye catching Cortes Octagon 8 Orange tent can definitely be called a glamping tent.
  • Wine and Champagne: Best SouthAmerican Wine for celebrate our Trekking Adventure"Customized request of wine on request".
  • Santuary Lodge Restaurant: Last Buffet lunch at Sanctuary Lodge "Exclusive and unique restaurant in Machupicchu" Last day of the trek
  • Inka Massage Session during the camping nights
  • 1 Yoga Session day before the Inca trail.
  • Huayna Picchu Mountain: The mountain Huayna Picchu is the one that appears behind Machu Picchu in its classic postal photo; Their Inca trails built on one side of the mountain can be terrifying for people afraid of heights
  • Extras: We believe it's the attention to small details that separates us from other tour companies. Every trekker receives a small pillow to sleep with, a foam mattress for insulation, a day pack cover to protect their things while hiking and a rain poncho. We will work hard to create your best vacation.
  • Peruvian taxes: The money you pay in taxes goes to many places. In addition to paying the salaries of government workers, your tax dollars also help to support common resources, such as police and firefighters.Tax money helps to ensure the roads you travel on are safe and well-maintained. Taxes fund public libraries and parks. Peruvian VAT tax stands at 18%.


  • Original Passport
  • Day Pack
  • Full rain gear or poncho
  • Gloves (thin riding and warm gloves)
  • Trekking pants
  • Breathable dry fit top-wear
  • Comfortable shoes/flip-flops
  • Cold-weather jacket
  • Long-sleeve fleece/sweater
  • Wool hat
  • Hiking boots
  • Baseball cap, sombrero and bandana
  • Headlamp
  • Sunglasses
  • Hiking socks
  • Sunscreen
  • Bathing suit
  • Casual Mountain wear for evenings
  • Photo/video cameras and chargers
  • Binoculars
  • Refillable water bottle (hydration bags are recommended)