Friday, May 26, 2017

Sacred Valley Tour Full day

Ollantaytambo Monolithen - Sacred Valley Tour


08:30 am pick up from your hotel.
09:00 am beginning of your excursion.

The Pisac market

The Pisac market is a must-see for those visiting the Cusco region. Every day, the streets fill to overflowing with artisans selling their goods and tourists from all over the world buying them. Sunday is the best and busiest day to visit by far. Villagers from miles around pack up their llamas and donkeys in the early hours of the morning in order to arrive and set up stalls where they sell vegetables and other produce. 

Even if you're not a shopper, the market is worth a visit. It's a great place to take photos and people-watch. Many of the cafés around the market have second-story balconies providing good views of the commotion below. The quality of the goods can be a little sketchy, and, if you're looking to spend a lot of money on any one item, you're better off in a fine gallery or store in Cusco or Lima. But prices are low (though higher than in the Cusco markets) and it is a great place to buy memorable souvenirs for friends back home.

Pisac market

P'isaq Archaeological Park

The Archaelogical Park of Pisac is one of the most important archaeological region. Possibly its name comes from a very common type of Bird in this area known as "P'isaqa". Some scholars suggest that the pre-Columbian city was in the form of a "P'isaqa" representing the local faun. Today there are a colonial Town named P'isaq.

In the Inca City there is a famous Local Market, full of crafts and local products.

Pisac Archaeological Park

Archaeological Complex of Ollantaytambo

The archaeological complex of Ollantaytambo was a strategic military, religious and agricultural center. The architectural scene is exceptional in its the size, style and originality of its buildings. For the Quechua language, the name comes from the word

Ollanta (which is the name of an Inca captain, whose story was saved as an oral tradition, and written as a drama of Antonio Valdez Urubamba priest in mid-eighteenth century) Also a Spanish derivation of the word tampu (Tambo) Quechua, which means

"City that offers accommodation, food and comfort to passengers."

Agricultural activity in this area benefited from the presence of the Patacancha creek, where there are large terraces that currently are damaged and abandoned.

Archaeological Complex of Ollantaytambo


The typical Chinchero is a Inca city, the conquerors wanted to "civilize" and establish their culture, but never succeeded, because they fully resisted. Today you can see this resistance in its inhabitants, as they inhabit the Inca constructions almost intact, in the same place where their ancestors lived and formed the largest and most prosperous civilization in America.

the Rainbow City is located 28 km. northwest of the Cusco city, over 3,762 meters, at an intermediate location between the highlands and warm valley, surrounded by snow-capped Salkantay, Veronica and Soray. The view from here is awesome. Chinchero was chosen by the Inca Tupac Yupanqui to establish his residence

At 19:00pm aprox, we'll arrive in Cusco, transfer to your hotel or if you decide you can stop in the beautiful mean square of this City.

Inca City of Chinchero

End of our services


  • Transfers from and to your hotel.
  • Personal assistance along your tour.
  • Entrance fees to all touristic attractions
  • Buffet lunch in Urubamba
  • Touristic Bus with insurance SOAT
  • Professional bilingual guide (English - Spanish) along your excursions.
  • Sacred Valley included the visit of Pisaq, Andean Market, Archaeological Parks of Pisaq, Ollantaytambo and Chinchero.

Not Included

  • Entrance to recreational sites, such as "Clubs" "Waters Springs, Amusement Parks"
  • Unscheduled Meals.
  • Others not specified in the Program

Route on Google Maps

View complete details of tour at Sacred Valley Tour Full day

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Cusco City Tour Half day

"Half day" 5 hours
Mornings: 08:30 x 05 hours
Afternoons: 13:30 x 05 hours

Panoramic view of Cusco city


08:30 or 13:30 pick up from your hotel.
09:00 or 14:00 beginning of your excursion.

Temple of Koricancha

It was the Main Temple of the Incas where Sun God is worshiped, About the engineering used in the construction of this place, its walls were covered with gold and in its mean terraces there were sheets of animals in gold made in natural size, which also kept over there mains of the Incas and their wives who in ever ruled these lands which were embalmed, chronicles indicate that these seemed to be alive.

Temple of Koricancha

Fortress of Sacsayhuaman

(Head of the great Puma)
The city of Cusco was in the form of a Puma and the exactly Head was Saqsayhuaman. It is 3 km from the city of Cusco. The Temple has impressive monumental and magnificent stone architecture, also known as "la Casa del Sol" Annually on 24 June is here where is performed the ancestral ritual of Inti Raymi.

Fortress of Sacsayhuaman

Temple of Q'enqo

(Temple of the Pachamama or Mother Earth) was a ceremonial temple, there is an amphitheatre where sacrifices were made on a black flame, that every winter solstice "June 21" in the shadow a planned for well-polished bricks, born a natural phenomenon "The Awakening of the Puma" for the Incas was the beginning of the great festival of Inti Raymi

Temple of Qenqo

Fortress of Puca Pucura

(Inca Fortress) old tambo, surveillance existed throughout the Empire and along the Inca roads. Also, it was a controlled entry and exit of all those traveling to or from the holy city of Cusco.

Inca Fortress of Puca Pucara


(Royal baths) at 7 km. from the city of Cusco is a ceremonial place of worship for the water, its wings are named sources of water that exist on the site. Also is believed to be resting place of the Inka.
6:30 p.m. return to Cusco leaving you in your hotel or in the beautiful (mean square) Plaza de Armas.
End of our services


  • Transfers from and to your hotel.
  • Personal assistance along your tour.
  • Entrance fees to all touristic attractions
  • Touristic Bus with insurance SOAT
  • Professional bilingual guide (English - Spanish) along your excursions.
  • City tour included the visit of
  • Koricancha "mean Inka temple" and 04 amazing's Inka temples out the city of Cusco
  • Saqsayhuaman, Qenqo, Pucapucara and Tambomachay

Not Included

  • Entrance to recreational sites, such as "Clubs", "Waters Springs, Amusement Parks"
  • Unscheduled Meals.
  • Others not specified in the Program*

View the complete details of tour at Cusco City Tour Half day